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How does DAT Power work?

Managing multiple postings is easy with batch actions like refresh and rollover. Search faster – While some load boards refresh their postings every 60 seconds, new results on DAT Power appear instantly. A filter panel enables users to quickly expand or narrow results. DAT Power learns user preferences for each lane.

What is the difference between DAT Power and DAT Express?

DAT Power also has a payment guarantee that covers payments of up to $1,000 per load. DAT Express is geared toward smaller brokerages and growing fleets, and allows for unlimited load searches and truck postings. The board provides alerts when new posts match your search, and suggests triangular routes that help you eliminate dead-head miles.

Which load board is best for DAT Power users?

Since it was launched in February, the new web-based version of the DAT Power load board has become the preferred load board for DAT Power users. More than 60 percent of users have migrated from the downloadable software to the new web version, and DAT is encouraging all users to make the switch.

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